They’re off! Care Packages


Thanks to the generosity of countless individuals, families and community groups, Rise Above sent out Care Packages to 310 young adults in foster care who are defying the odds by enrolling in college or a vocational program! In early April we filled 310 boxes to the brim with study snacks, hygiene and school supplies, gift cards and encouraging notes and cards and shipped them directly to young adults.

How can I help?
Our next batch of Care Packages will go out in early November 2024. Let us know if your workplace, community group or family would like to host a donation drive for us! The list of items we need is here, or you can shop our Amazon Wish List.

“I genuinely appreciate and love this package. My favorite part about it all was the little notes that I got. It brought a smile to my face, knowing that other kids put their thought and effort into this. I loved everything about it and thank you for including me in this!” -Kimberly

“I can’t express my gratitude for your generous gift. It’s exactly what I needed, and I appreciate your kindness.”– R.

“I absolutely loved mine!! It was so thoughtful with the cards and personal care items It made me so happy to open. Thank you so much for everything!!”- Kaia

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